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The Future of Early Years - Shifting from building a talent pipeline to creating a competency model

Wednesday 25th September, 2024

  • 16:00 BST | 11:00 EST | 08:00 PST
  • Free to join

Early years talent is crucial for the future of Life Sciences to sustain the sector’s rapid growth and address the increasing demand for specialised expertise.

In times of scarcity of supply, the companies that will do best will need to do more with less, and this means shifting from the traditional talent pipeline to a competency-first model.

In this session, we’ll be joined by Brian Dillon from iED, a consortium of university and enterprise partners working together to develop programmes for a new generation of graduates for the Life

Sciences sector. Together, we will:

  • Compare the traditional quantity-first model with a competency-first model when it comes to hiring early years talent
  • Explore the typical journey to competency from the time of employment, suggesting ways to increase that time, save companies money, and find more accessible talent
  • Discuss what companies are doing right and wrong when it comes to hiring early years talent, and how we can all improve

Give your company a competitive edge in today’s challenging job market. Register now

If you're a recruiter or hiring manager and would like to attend, simply sign up by completing our short registration form.

If you’re a jobseeker looking for your next Life Science job, please visit our main website to browse the latest opportunities.


+44 (0)845 5651771